Everyone is in bed…I was too, but couldn’t sleep.
I came out to the family room and just sat. I wondered to myself, “Self, why are you sitting here when you have to be somewhere at 7:45 in the morning?” I continued to sit.
Then little snip-its of my day started running through my mind:
I remembered hubby playfully teasing me this morning and laughing as I stumbled through the kitchen half asleep, but determined to make school lunches and breakfast even though I got up a bit too late!
I remembered the sweet look on my son’s face this afternoon when he got home from school and told me how he worked extra hard at basketball practice and he was so hungry. His hair was wet, his eyes were bright and as I started to make him a sandwich he grinned at me and said, “That’s OK, I’ll do it!”
I remembered my daughter bending over to put on her work boots as she was headed out the door to go to work and she looked up at me and mouthed, “Love you!” And then she bounded down the deck stairway and was gone.
I remembered the twinkle of joy and mischief in my friend’s eyes today as we lunched together and shared what was happening in our lives. Her husband has been with the Lord for three years, but she faces everyday with a love of life and trust in her Savior and His plans for her and her teen sons future.
I remembered the tears in my eyes during a meeting tonight when I learned that friendships and ministry partnering is an all inclusive thing and God desires unity and commonality of purpose of those who are laboring together to do His work.
I remembered that God was sitting right there with me, reviewing my day alongside me and reminding me that life really is about relationship.
I said to myself, “Self, that’s worth missing a little sleep over.” And worth sharing with whoever stumbles into my Out Loud Life on this day.
I encourage you to just sit and remember the relationships in your life and thank God for them.
Beautiful. Moments like these make life worthwhile. Thanks for savoring them with us.
Thanks for sharing your sweet memories, and inviting me to savor mine. Loved this.
That's just beautiful, Tracey! Beautiful!
Thanks for your comments. It was a sweet time. Blessings to each of you!
I was flustered that I couldn't sleep. Finally got out of bed after going over my day and remembering to fix some school for the kids and then decided to blog read. So glad I did. I was anxious knowing I couldn't sleep but your comment on God sitting right here with us, calmed my soul. Enjoying my quiet, late moment!