It’s official…I have LOST MY MIND!
I gave up sugar for lent! I have given up sugar before and it isn’t pretty. At least not at first. Then after a week or so…I guess my body starts to get used to it and it gets better. Yeah, my body might manage to get used to it, but my mind is a whole different thing. I will be thinking about wanting to eat sweets, specifically chocolate for many days!
I really like chocolate, I mean really, really like chocolate. OK, truth be told I am pretty much addicted to chocolate. So I have spent most of the day thinking about all the upcoming opportunities I am going to have to enjoy some really yummy desserts and I am going to have to abstain. Grrrr.
Special weekend with my daughter this weekend – no chocolate.
Women’s Retreat next weekend – no chocolate.
A trip to visit my parents for six days next month – no chocolate.
True Woman ( event, long weekend, lotsa fun – no chocolate.
How pathetic is that? I have spent a better part of the day thinking about all the times I will REALLY want chocolate and won’t be able to have it.
Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline. In the past it has taught me to take that yearning and desire for chocolate and redirect it towards my desire for a deeper relationship with my Savior.
I am guessing I should be anticipating what He will reveal to me through my fast, rather than lament the times I won’t be getting my chocolate fix. Oh the depravity of man…or should I say the depravity of this woman.
If you have never practiced the spiritual discipline of fasting…I double dog dare you to try! Give up something you really like for lent…that’s a great start!
Does this mean I can't order dessert next Thursday? 🙂
Truly the mind is the worst part of it! When I went through my fast for 8 days…it was my head that got in the way. Nothing more than "I JUST WANT THAT!" How sad for me. Good news…I haven't gone back to many things since that fast…God was right there with me and believe me my mind went to Him a bunch as I wanted that…but I wanted Him more:D