So, if you read yesterday’s post, I’m hoping at some point today you have gone barefoot in honor of the millions of children around the world who have no shoes!
As I was “suiting up” for my morning walk, I was suddenly aware that I needed to take that three mile walk with my shoes off. I am bummed to report that my normal walking route was interrupted and I turned around at about the halfway mark because my feet were hurting. Pathetic, is what I thought. I reasoned with myself that if it were the end of summer, instead of the beginning, my bare feet could have handled the trek a bit better. Still pathetic…the children of the world do not have “time of year” options, they simply do not have shoes.
I am looking forward to having a good discussion with my children about their day, as we discussed them taking their shoes off at school today – I wonder if they were bold enough to do that? Last year when our family went to Rwanda my children met an entire village of children who’s bare feet padded around on the red dirt pathways – so they have seen firsthand who is being honored and remembered on this barefoot spring day.
Just another way God is reminding them (and me) of what they saw and heard in Rwanda, who’s feet they trod beside and the smiles on the faces, in spite of their circumstances. Just another reminder that many of us in America have so much, but seldom seem satisfied.
That is why on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for the simple fact that I have shoes.
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