Has your kid ever wanted to willingly share his jelly beans with you? Probably not.
If he does, I suggest you may consider saying no…especially if he is insistent!
Did you know there are jelly beans that are described as skunk spray, ear wax, and booger? Oh yeah, and if your children have not had them yet … it’s just a matter of time.
So, there are these little boxes of jelly beans called Bean Boozled with 20 jelly beans in a box, 10 colors. For each colored jelly bean that tastes yummy, there is an opposing jelly bean of the exact same color that tastes disgusting. I’m not talking a little, “ew, that tastes kinda’ yucky” bad. I’m talking, face contorting, gagging, spit out of your mouth “someone give me a razor blade so I can shave my tongue” bad.
Don’t believe me? Here are the flavors of yummy jelly beans and the opposing foul offerings:
Buttered Popcorn vs Rotten Egg
Licorice vs Skunk Spray
Café Latte vs Ear Wax
Coconut vs Baby Wipe
Juicy Pear vs Booger
Berry Blue vs Toothpaste
Plum vs Black Pepper
Caramel Corn vs Moldy Cheese
Top Banana vs Pencil Shavings
Peach vs Vomit
What has the world come to? There is actually a food product offered to our children that has written in plain English, right on the package, booger and vomit.
You owe me … because now when your sweet little child looks at you with a smile and says, “Mom, want a jelly bean?” You now know the answer is, “No thanks, go give one to your Dad!” (She types with a snarky little glint in her eye!)
Tracey – I am aware of these Jelly Beans and can I say…yuck! Who sat in the Jelly Bean Kitchen and decided what tasted like vomit/etc? I have used these in Sunday School (SIxth Grade) to illustrate the difference between something “looking good” on the outside (sin) but on the inside it is horrid and will bite you in the backside if you don’t watch out! The enemy intends for sin to appear pleasant/etc. Kids had a blast and the spiritual truth was on the tips of their tongues…so to speak! Miss you friend!
Mary Ann