Singing for no apparent reason.
Making up new words to other people’s songs.
Talking to myself…and answering myself.
Checking to “be sure” the oven and stove are turned off.
Stopping by my “in box” to see if anyone e-mailed me. (To avoid doing something that really needs to get done.)
Dancing for no apparent reason.
What’s with that photo on the right?
Being shocked and appalled every time I find that no one else will replace the toilet paper roles.
Snorting when I laugh.
Daily asking my teens – “Did you put on deodorant?” (I remember when they were tweens and they forgot – ugh!)
Shoving things to the back of the fridge when I know good and well I am the only one who’s ever going to deal with it, so why not just do it already!
Re-arranging all the furniture in the house…again!
Allowing the mail to stack up to a dangerously high level and wanting desperately to just throw it all away and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Making no audible noise whatsoever when I laugh…except that occasional snort.
Refusing to empty the trash no matter how bad it gets – that is ONE JOB I will not break down and do … ever.
Thinking that a cat truly has life figured out.
Trying to “will” my eyes not to fail me…I have never had glasses and do not want to start wearing them now!
Daydreaming about the amazing novel I just know I could write…but not actually typing out my thoughts.
Biting the side of my mouth and then getting mad at myself for biting the side of my mouth.
Washing dishes with paper towels and throwing them away because the thought of germs lurking in sponges and dishrags freaks me out.
Using words in my daily vocabulary that my children tell me do not exist.
Drying my hair just outside my bathroom door so the hair falls on the carpet and I don’t have to see it, like I would see it when it lands on my tile bathroom floor.
Always having to make my bed…or my whole bedroom seems like it’s a mess – even if it is a mess! (Besides the bed being made.)
Closing my eyes when I use dental floss because it sort of grosses me out for some reason.
Each common set of utensils goes in their own cubby hole in my dishwasher so when I empty it I just grab all the spoons at once and bam in the drawer, all the forks at once and bam, all the knives…you get the idea!
My ability to read more than one book at once – and picking up the one I’m in the mood for.
I do not ever mind being outside in hot weather – even in the 100’s, but I absolutely do not like being out in really cold weather.
Writing a post that lists “just a few” of my strange habits…and thinking it’s worth reading to anyone else!?
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