To my frequently visiting friends I must ask…”What do ya think?” Like my new diggs?
I am blessed to have a magnifico friend, Katie who somehow managed to decipher my ramblings and perfectly capture the “vision” for a new site that was floating around in my head! She put the most amazing finishing touches and functionality into my new and improved Mom Life Out Loud home!!! Thanks Katie … you are awesome!
I have had quite the banner day…my new site going live….and my teen son went with me this morning to run errands. Now I must confess that I hate, hate, hate, double hate running errands. Basically I try to see just how fast I can get them done so I can get back home. Well, son was noticing I was a bit tense and rushing quite a bit and he said to me, “Mom…you need to learn to chill out, like a surfer dude and just go with flow…ya know, just sort of hey dude, how’s it going. [his head was cocked back and his eyes half shut} Well, be like a surfer dude…minus the drugs…that would be bad.”
Point taken.
A couple errands later when he asked if we could just go out to eat since it was so close to lunchtime I said, “Sure, that sounds good, you pick the place.” (Surfer Dude MOMent #1.)
Then I explained that we had one last errand – a stop by the bank. We did that. As we were pulling out of the lot, fine young son said, “Hey Mom…let’s go see a move.” I thought, “Are you crazy we can’t just go see a movie, we have things we need to do at home.” I started to blurt that out of my mouth and suddenly, instead I said, “Hey, yeah, let’s just do it, right in the middle of the day…spontaneous movie going…just for the heck of it!” (Surfer Dude MOMent #2)
By the way, we saw Super 8 – it was VERY good, sort of like E.T. on steroids x 1,000 ! (There was far too much foul language and a couple scenes may be a bit scary and one scene bordered on gross…but all in all it was a great movie for my 15 year old son and me to see together!)
We got home and ate some ice cream … why not?! (Surfer Dude MOMent #3)
Then he played a video game while I got my bu-twar kicked by Jillian Michaels doing The 30 Day Shred … because in real life I am not a cool Surfer Dude who rides the waves using perfect balance… I am a mom who is fighting gravity.
But hey…I have a snazzy new site and I had a great day with my son…life is good – Woo Hoo!!
Thank you for the sweet words! I had fun doing it and I can’t wait to see where you go from here. Exciting things on the horizon for you my friend!
Love it when our kids help us “chill out”! Great piece that made me smile.
I love your new site – what a sweet friend to help you! I am so glad you and your son had a fun day! Thanks for reminding us what’s really important! The errands would not be remembered, but the time with your son is priceless! Keep up the good work!
Your new site looks great! Congratulations!