Busting with excitement here!
Tomorrow I am heading to The Ragged Edge Writers’ Symposium with Ted Dekker! Oh heck yes I am!
This is supposed to be an intensive that will leave us dripping and oozing with ideas, techniques and writing oh-rah excitement x 1,000!!!
I can hardly contain myself.
My daughter has her final goodbye plans with her High School friends while I’m away so she’s getting that out of her system so we can spend all next week together before she goes off to college.
So we will each be enjoying an amazing weekend…which should help us both deal with the transition of her leaving.
Hubby said tonight – “What a blessing…this is coming at a really good time for you.”
I couldn’t agree more and all I have to say is…watch out Ted Dekker…here I come!
You go girl!! Have fun with that! Hubby’s right, the timing is perfect. My oldest is only 7 right now so I’ll be some time before she grows up and goes away to college- I just can’t wrap my mind around it! God’s timing is perfect.
Have fun this week-end, Tracey!