Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
I always knew the working title I had for my book would not remain the title as it didn’t really reveal what the book was truly about.
Well – Tyndale and Focus on the Family who are working together on my book project have agreed to the Title I suggested…with a bit of an add on in their subtitle.
Drum roll please…
The title of my book to be released in August of 2012 is…
Be The Mom
Subtitle: Overcome Attitude Traps and Enjoy Your Kids
Woo hoo!!!
How could this even be happening – God is a BIG God!
Excuse me while I go dance in the kitchen like a crazy person!
And if you are reading this then I need a ginormous favor…would you head on over to Facebook and search “Be The Mom” and “Like” the page for me so I can have it as my very own – I need 25 peeps to do that!
This will ultimately be the place for moms who read the book {gasp} to congregate and ask questions, visit and all around encourage each other!
Congrats, I am so happy for you! Looking forward to reading your new book. = )
Do we have a cover yet? =)