Horses that come running when they see me walk out to the barn.
A luna moth that comes to visit and hangs out on my porch.
Gratitude for all that God has given…unmerited grace.
Roses that seem to continuously bloom.
Whispers of truth that drown out the lies.
A 15 year old son that opens the door for me.
Receiving a text from my 18 year old daughter in college that says, “You’re cute.”
Crisp fall air and warm flannel pants.
A husband that calls me beautiful after 25 years of marriage.
Fresh baked cinnamon rolls.
Maple trees slowly becoming infused with beautiful red colors.
A family of deer watching my morning run.
A hot cup of Chai Tea.
Words that appear on a page that are Holy Spirit inspired.
Dark chocolate covered raisins.
Beginning to believe in myself and what God has called me to do.
Friends that support and encourage.
Not sweating the small the stuff.
Crickets chirping.
A babbling brook right outside my bedroom window.
Memories revealed through 1,000’s of photographs.
Every breath.
Sooooo good! Thanks for sharing!!!
(you’re cute!) ( :
And the wisdom to appreciate all those simple delights! Thanks for sharing. I was there enjoying with you.