There are days, and even sometimes weeks, where the word well runs dry. Anyone who writes knows this parched-ness and most of us fear it.
For me, I sort of embrace it and recognize that during the times of dryness I am more involved in the real world and choose not to pull away. If you are a writer you know what I mean.
Sometimes the pull to bury my head in words is so strong that I can be neglectful of the other joy giving things in my life.
So the ebb and flow of wordsmithing ceases to panic me, I see it as simply a gentle nudge to spend my minutes pursuing other loves and heart delights. Especially now.
My teen son’s idea of fun may be a bit different than mine, but spending time with him does trump the pull of the keyboard – always has, always will!
When he’s at school and hubby’s at work…a bit more time and care taken with home warming decor and fluff. A few more lunch outings and quiet tea times. More lazy afternoons spent running my hands over the ever thickening winter coats on our horses Honey and Dot. A choice to linger on the back deck contemplating the artistic handy work of my Father in the delicate hues of a sunset and colorful changing leaves. The sky is somehow bluer, the grass somehow greener when the bright vibrant colors of fall act as a contrast.
Oh…and I also have this relationship thing with my warm and cozy kitchen when fall crisply settles into our little ranchette. When fall arrives the desire to bake overtakes me – the aroma of pumpkin flavored this and that sweetly assaults those who enter our home. Mouth watering now… and too, the things I like to simmer and stir up on my stove top and in the well worn crock pots – amazing soups and favorite tummy pleasing taste sensations.
Forgive my less than regular postings here lately…but as you can plainly read…fall beckons me to other delights.
And I giggle.
Blue jeans. 🙂 I love the fact that it includes the children. If “Bubbles” added children, I might vote for it instead.
I like the blue jeans, but that’s already the cover of a book by Carol Floch (published by Regal) called The Single Mom’s Devotional……