Don’t let the ordinary seem so important that it pushes Jesus out of the way.
That’ll make you stop and think, huh?
That is what greets me daily from the front of my refrigerator. I heard that phrase about a dozen years ago, put it on a piece of paper and have attempted to hold it in my heart daily since then. That tattered piece of paper has been moved from fridge to fridge as we’ve traveled across three states.
Obviously this is a life principle I want to hang onto. As a mom it seems the “ordinary” is always threatening to take precedence in my life. So much to do, so much responsibility, so many tasks and unending destractions.
Yeah, that sounds pretty ordinary. Can you relate?
Maybe our challenge as moms is to realize that our ordinary is actually – extraordinary.
God has entrusted the future to us you know – children that we are to train up in the way they should go.
The future and it’s “little eyes” are watching us every MOMent of every day. The future and those “little hearts” are being molded by us as well. God in his infinite wisdom designed women and our mother’s hearts to selflessly, lovingly and uniquely care for His future for the world.
Your every day matters mom and each is an extraordinary gift! And since our purpose is to bring glory to Him…what are your days teaching your children?
“By wisdom a house is build, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3-4
Do tell…based on your life circumstances right now, what will you try to model for your children this week?
Tracey, this very minute I am wiped out and one more question about where the scotch tape is to losing it. I’ve been on the go all day. We’ve done visits to my grandparents (love!!), hunted down a new pair of soccer goalie gloves for Grace, birthday present shopping, grocery shopping where Luke wants this and that, my dishwasher is possibly broken and dishes are everywhere and my husband is mega stressed at work and probably has to work late again tonight. And to top it off my hormones are out of whack this week.
But. Thank you Jesus because the Holy Spirit is giving me little snippets of wisdom at every corner. I’m trying to keep in mind that the way I react to the small stuff is going to add up to my legacy.
So, I’m planning a meal for dinner I know Roger will enjoy when he gets home from a hard day and am trying to keep my cool be sweet instead of sour to my kids.
Thank you for the cup of living encouragement, Tracey!