There are days when I can get sort of down in the dumps.
Sometimes it is because “the news” is draggin me down and sometimes it is because “my news” is giving me the doldrums.
Discussing “the news” with you would just be exhausting and I don’t even want to go there. But discussing “my news” is something you can probably relate to if you too have some “just life” stuff that can make your days a challenge!
You know, the little things here and there that can drag us down? The little daily frustrations that can sometimes challenge us and get us to the end of ourselves and pull us down, down, down – make us gloomy, or testy, or snarky or barky?
I have learned a very practical, easy to initiate method of slaying my doldrums that I would like you to institute in your own life. It’s amazing, simple and it really works – shine a little light on someone else and in the process of pulling them up your attitude will do a complete turn around.
Trust me, if you are “down there” in the doldrums most definitely there is someone else you know who is “down there” too.
Instead of allowing the doldrums to hold you down, choose instead to let them be a reminder to you that you need to reach out and bless someone else with some encouragement!
Make a phone call, make a few phone calls! Send encouraging text messages! Go to your Facebook notes section and write a few notes to others to brighten their day – you could even be really wild and crazy and write some snail mail. Buy a handful of cards, make a handful of cards, pull out your stationary and get to composing encouraging notes!
Woo hoo, I’m getting all happy and excited just thinking about this!
Remember friends, when you are low, lift yourself and others up with some heartfelt encouraging words!
Love this idea!
You always lift me! This is a wonderful reminder!! Thank you!