For well over a year I have spent much time trying to determine direction and purpose. Honestly I think that’s something we all do on a continuum, but the tricky part is remaining true to who God has called you to be and living with contentment as you seek.
I have to say it is way awesome when I can hear God above all the noise. When I am paying attention He keeps me ever humble if my thoughts and words get me into trouble as I am seeking and processing. Just two days ago as I was struggling I went to the Bible and started reading (that always gives me refocus) and I spoke an audible, “Ouch, well of course – what were you thinking Tracey!”
I then prayed and as I so often do cranked some praise music and spent some time just loving Jesus by singing like a little girl!
You see each of us needs to recalibrate and what I have learned is that recalibration really does start with seeking God on the matter and patiently waiting and remaining steadfast where we are until He provides direction.
Friends, I so want you to avoid my mistakes – so many times I have run ahead of God and ended up chasing my tail. That is, charging ahead (rather in a circle) doing what I want to do that really is not what God wants me to do. I literally picture myself looking like my sweet dog Blaze around and around and around.
Are you seeing it with me? While all that busy spinning might “entertain” and keep me busy and “feeling like” I am “doing something” … tail chasing is really not the best use of Blaze’s time – or mine…or yours!
What God has revealed to me is that I need to spend time with Him, keep my calling to love and care for my family as my earthly priority, use my giftings of encouragement and writing to love and care for those He chooses to have me cross paths with and leave my tail alone!
No need to try to “force” something to happen by busily chasing my tail.
What about you…when looking for direction do you spin in circles keeping busy, rather than remain steadfast where you are?
I see it with you, Tracey! Thank you for sharing this… and confirming the journey that we are all on… growing closer to our Creator.
We serve an awesome God and His plans are infinitely better than our plans.
The older I get, the less I spin in circles… getting dizzy is no longer the thrill it used to be! Listening to our Lord and praising Him and waiting for His perfect plan provides peace, love and joy like I never experienced “chasing my tail”.
‘Hope all is well with you, Bill and your kiddos in Arkansas!
Elizabeth (from Budapest)
Oh my, have I ever! Much of the time I struggle to remember, and live the truth of, remembering that “in quietness and trust is your strength”. Just rest, Kitty, I can lead you just fine. I am beginning to practice that a little better. (It’s a whole lot more fun and productive this way-most of the time!)
Thanks for the great post, Tracey!
I am one who chases my tail over and over and over.
I seek what I want and because of this I suffer terribly. I pray that someday, I can fix my eyes on my steadfast Lord instead of on my own tail!