Don’t you just love it when you follow a link to a post and discover God brought you there for His purposes?
Last night I read a sweet moms thoughts and weighed what she had to say, considered how it applied me, (and others) understanding that she obviously felt convicted on the issue and led to share with those who read her blog.
You see, she has a relationship with those who read her blog. She knows them, they know her – there is heart sharing going on.
I do believe that is what blogging purports to be all about! A bit like the give and take of real life relationships – you know, those with whom we have cups of coffee over and share ourselves freely.
It is easy to accept and share advice and deep thoughts from those we have a relationship with. We know who they are, we “get” them and how God uses them in our lives to convict, confront, encourage, empower – all that sometimes scary, sometimes glorious stuff.
What then if someone at a table next to ours at Starbucks – leans over into our coffee talk and says, “You my dear are small minded and judgmental – shame on you for sharing that thought with your friends.”
“Bug off dude – I’m not talking to you.”
That might be my first inclination.
Then the Holy Spirit would jolt me out of my sin nature and say, “A-hem, Tracey play nice.” And then something like…”Oh I am sorry you were offended, but you see my friend and I here, we share openly and honestly in an effort to learn from each other and learn what God is teaching us. My comments were not meant to offend you. Actually I love you – like Jesus, cause He lives in me and more than anything I try to share His love!”
Well, maybe not quite all that, but that’s what I would be thinking as I tried to say what I could, with grace, to allow God’s love to shine brighter than my words.
So, imagine my dismay, when I read what this precious young mom wrote, and scrolled down through the comments to see some most unkind “commenting from the table next to her” going on.
I guess I don’t much care for insertion into a conversation amongst friends to chastise and judge.
The big sister in me growled and I wanted to knock some heads (I do have some sass in me!) and shake some people into realizing their quick judgment and the finger pointing being placed on her were so “big brother” – which is what they were accusing her of. But worse, because she was with her friends, at her table and they inserted themselves into the conversation.
As a first time visitor to the blog, even I could see she was burdened by a truth she sees all around her and was trying to lovingly warn of potential long term ramifications. I have even written on the subject of iphone usage stealing time from family.
I think some doth protest too much.
I have been a sinner long enough and bad enough to know that usually that which bristles most is born out of conviction.
Don’t shoot the mom messenger.
Consider her words and if they are not for you, pray for the person after you who will read them and get that bristle that leads to heartfelt change.
Play nice! :0)
I read her post and totally agree with you. I don’t understand why people reacted so harshly to this post on her blog. It is her blog and they chose to read the blog, but for some reason didn’t like what she had to say. Shame on them for judging her. I left her a supportive comment. I can’t stand to see people bullied by people who don’t agree with you. Thanks for the link.