Remember when little girls used to play with Barbie dolls? Frighteningly society is working hard to convince our little girls (I'm talking 8 to 10 year olds here!) they need to look like Barbie dolls - now! Hair, make-up and even clothes formally marketed to women are being marketed to little girls. Can this be healthy? Join me over at MomLife Today for a video interview I did with Speaker/Author Dannah Gresh and see what she has to say … [Read more...]
Sanctus Real Up Close
Well hey there friends! Today was an awesome day! We are having the annual FamilyLife Staff Conference and we were blessed beyond measure with the worshipful experience of time spent with the amazing band Sanctus Real! This is a band that is well loved by the youth of America - and their parents. It is an odd thing to see standing before you the men that you have sung with through your i-pod and daily Christian radio. Gaining an … [Read more...]
My Good Friend…Shannon
FRIEND FRIDAY I would like to introduce you to a friend I have had for a couple of years. She is a fun-loving mom of eight who lives her MomLife with intentionality and she is a joy to be around. Rather than waste lots of time introducing you to her...I'd rather allow you to meet her directly by visiting her blog at She has also just written a post about hosting your own Free Garage Sale which will allow … [Read more...]
My Good Friend…Julius Erving
FRIEND FRIDAY On Fridays I am going to share a memory about a friend. A personal friend who has blessed me and made an impression on my life or a "friend" I have met...meaning a famous person. (I recognize that most people are fairly fascinated by famous people and since I have had the opportunity to meet a few of them here and there I figure you'd get a kick out of hearing about it.) For grins...I'll start with one of the famous people I … [Read more...]
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