OK - I am so excited...my very creative and artistic daughter is going to make me a new header for my blog! She has always been my biggest supporter when it comes to me following my dreams! (Well, her and my hubby!) I think she has a keen appreciation for the fact that I had a boomin career, but set it aside and "retired" upon becoming a mother so I could concentrate on momlife. She has always tagged along and been quite helpful as I did my … [Read more...]
American Christian Writer
Today I was blessed with the opportunity to share my "Why I blog...and why I think you should blog!" story with the local chapter of American Christian Writers. Once again I was struck by the goodness of God and His ability to use "regular" people, like me, to talk into the lives of others and encourage. As I shared my story of why I am involved with social media and why I feel it is such a great mission field for other Christian writers I … [Read more...]
I’m Back… But I’m in Indianapolis
I'm no longer on my media fast - but you haven't heard from me this week because I have been busy with True Woman 10. Head over to MomLife Today for my live blogging of all that's happening in Indianapolis at True Woman 10!" … [Read more...]
Book or Blog?
I like books. Always have. Old books. New books. Non-fiction books. Fiction books. I like libraries. Looking at books. Touching books. Skimming books. Reading books. I like stories. Immersion into character. Plot lines. Twists. Page turners. I like real life. Reading about others. Being inspired. Feeling challenged. Books are filled with words. Well thought out words. Edited words. Re-edited words. Re-re-edited words. I will … [Read more...]
Orphan Care Summit
Do you care about orphans?If so, you would be interested in knowing that at this very moment a group of 1,100 key leaders are gathered together at the annual Orphan Care Summit and these Saints are finding ways to work together to care for the needs of the 140 million orphans in the world. Arm in arm they are seeking solutions for "the least of these." And as Dennis Rainey likes to say, "they are leaving their logos and egos at … [Read more...]
Thankful For American Soldiers
I have always had a "soft spot" for soldiers. I am in such awe that they would choose to use their lives to provide freedom and justice for others...even strangers in far away lands. For those of you with children...think about your child "choosing" to use his (her) life to defend others. Yes, a part of me would feel very proud - but a bigger part of me would be afraid. I think motherhood is what has caused my admiration … [Read more...]
Woman Thoughts vs. Mom Thoughts
Last week a friend of mine said to me, "I don't know how to be happy." That admission has caused me to pause and contemplate the reasoning behind such a shocking statement. It has also caused me to think about us moms and the issue of happiness. Before motherhood most of us had ample opportunity to pursue what made us happy. The world and our future lay before us and the days' choices largely were made based on our own personal needs. But once … [Read more...]
Haiti Up Close & Personal
Hey friends - this morning at FamilyLife we heard from the Executive Director of our Hope for Orphans ministry...and I cried through most of his presentation!He recently got back from Haiti where he took a group of doctors to care for orphans and to sort through paper work in an effort to find "forever families" for orphans. We saw the faces and heard the voices of the children of Haiti...He shared with us that there were over 300,000 orphans in … [Read more...]
I am Thankful for those who serve
What kind of a person steps away from their own comfortable, safe, loving and busy life to go and help others in need? We all saw the answer to that question during the unfathomable events on 9-11. We are all seeing that answer now as we see video and photos from Haiti and read hurried words typed onto blog posts, twitter accounts and e-mails. As I am making dinner for my family right now I wonder about what the people of Haiti, and … [Read more...]
Charitable Judgement in Haiti
I have spent much time lifting up prayers for the people of Haiti and for those working diligently to help them.In times of desperation and heartache love always wins out - people and organizations step up to help...and help BIG. That is a wonderfully beautiful thing and God bless them every one!However, it saddens me when I hear all the complaining about what's "not" being done. Shame on those who are complaining and pointing fingers.For anyone … [Read more...]
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