The other day my husband was talking about a leadership principal that involves the term analysis paralysis, and my ears perked up. When I asked him to explain further, he said leaders have to know when to take action, “It’s all about not over thinking things, it is ok to make mistakes because you will learn from them.” So that got me to thinking . . . if multimillion-dollar business leaders know that doing something and making mistakes leads … [Read more...]
Biggest Fan- Ted Dekker
So...I just got back from the Ragged Edge writers conference with none other than THE Ted Dekker as well as Tosca Lee, Eric Wilson, Robert Liparulo and Steven James. The time with these writers was invaluable as it wasn't your typical writers was more like being at a dinner party with the aforementioned and the entire dinner party was all about encouraging me to do what God designed me to do. The thing is ... there were dozens … [Read more...]
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