My teenage daughter has long teased me about my ongoing habit of randomly singing (quite loudly) whenever I am off by myself somewhere in our home.
I am talking loud and enthusiastic (with umph) kinda singing… I am totally into this singing thing, kinda singing.
No, I do not have a particularly melodic voice, but that does not stop me from belting out the tunes.
This habit has been with me since I was a young professional, I recall the woman in the office next to me peeking her head into my doorway and asking, “May I at least make requests if you are going to serenade me all day?”
Interestingly this joyful noise tendency of mine has “somehow” become an inclination of my aforementioned daughter. Much to my delight! Initially she was mortified when she realized she had “caught” my loud habit. However, just the other day when I pointed it out to her (yet again) she declared, “Singing does help keep me joyful and up…I get it!”
Proof positive that the habits and “quirks” of one’s parents are most usually passed down to their children – thankfully this one my daughter has picked up from me is a positive one.
May I suggest you pause and consider…what you do, out of habit, that is slowly but surely seeping into our child’s personality?
Oh, and for the record, my Daddy sings randomly too…though not quite as loud as me!
That’s really cute. I also like to sing and pray out loud randomly throughout the day. Hopefully my kids will “pick up that trait” as well! 🙂