Ever been smacked in the face by a pancake? Do you know how to prevent such a calamity? For the story behind that odd statement join me over at MomLife Today!
And … on a side note, yesterday was a fabulous one…I did a video interview with Jill Savage of Hearts at Home, we had dinner together last night and then we headed on over to a MomLink Event to spend some time with a group of moms who were blessed by an evening with Hearts at Home and MomLife Today! Two ministries with the same heart – encouraging and providing resources for momlife!
By the way – who would like to pinch me for my blunder on Thursday – no, not because I failed to wear green (though I did) but because the camera that was tucked into my purse was not pulled out to take photos of me with Jill! Big O “duh” MOMent by me! GGGRrrrrrrrr. I guess being with her on video is daggum cool though…but still, why didn’t a take a pic, it would have been fabo up there in my blog post???!! Epic fail.