So…I have been back from the Homeschool Convention for days…I have only managed to write one post all week! Why is it that going out of town gets me SO FAR behind on my to do’s?
Because of my responsibilities over at MomLife Today and my guest post writing it seems my own blog suffers the most from neglect when I am pressed for time. You know I have often heard a painters abode is the ugliest one on the block…no time to paint his own home. I get it.
{Heavy sigh.}
I was feeling frustrated over the amount of “stuff” I have to do…and the minimal time I have to write…and suddenly I found myself over at I’m A Lazy Mom’s blog {yeah…so I wasn’t doing anything productive STILL} and I perused her photos and thought…hey, that works for me.
Rather than sweat the small stuff I am flat out confessing through photographic evidence my behindness this week!
OK…right, some of this stuff has been sitting around longer than a week…but who’s counting!
Confession is good for the soul…and actually I am giggling as I type!
Thanks I’m a Lazy Mom…I mean really – who cares, it’s not going anywhere!
Ces’t la vie! Try not to think of it as things you havent’ done and more about the memories you’ve made in the last few months. The laundry will be around for the rest of your life, a cruise–that’s like once in a lifetime right? = )