I recall an older wiser woman saying to me once, “He will never know if you don’t tell him, sharing burdens is part of what marriage is about.” Once again that advice was proven wise.
You see I have been carrying this very heavy burden all around with me the past couple of weeks. It was weighing me down. I tried to to quietly, bravely haul it around with me, thinking it would eventually go away and become less burdensome, but that was not proving to be the case.
I have been spending more time in prayer and reading God’s word, but even He was directing me to share with my husband. I stubbornly had decided it was my burden and I just needed to continue to carry it, even if on trembling legs.
Finally, last night I poured my heart out.
My big tough, sweet sensitive man looked at me with those golden brown eyes and talked through the whole weighty issue with me. Careful to listen, careful to advise and as our conversation continued he ever so gently placed my burden on himself. At least that’s what it felt like.
That’s being Courageous.
Today I am lighter, more hopeful and trusting in God to grow us both through the burden and ultimately free us from it.
I want to encourage you married friends out there to share your burdens with your husband – it will provide new perspective and renewed hope and that look in his eye that assures you that you are not alone through it. All men want to rescue, but they need to know their fair maiden is in need of them in order to do so. How often do we cheat them from the role they were created to play in our lives by holding back?
Think about it.
For my single friends – confide in a friend, that too lessens the load. God knows we thrive best in relationship.
And as always, take it to the Lord in prayer.
I love this!!