We had guests over the weekend. My favorite kind of guests – teenagers.
My daughter came home from college for the weekend and brought three friends with her. There are only two weeks left to their Freshman year in college so it was a sweet time of lots of good home cookin and many rich conversations – a year in review reflections and the sharing future dreams wonderings!
On Saturday night we had a couple of adults join us, as I always think it’s good to allow the college students to hear from and mingle with interesting people. One of the friends there marveled at these young adults that are now a part of our daughters every day life.
We were sitting around the backyard firepit, listening to one play the violin, one play the guitar and the other one singing sweetly – we all joined in on their beautiful praises to the Lord. This is always a highlight to my daughter’s trips home with her friends.
One of our adult guests asked my husband and I how we managed to pull that off. “Pull what off?” I asked. He said these three students with your daughter are amazing. I told him that we have always prayed that our children would be friends with people that are chasing after God and we specifically and especially prayed for this as our daughter was preparing to go to college. His reply, “I think I need to get more specific with my prayers for my own kids.”
So, “this just in” if you realize you know a specific need for your child pray that specific need and believe God for it. And speak that need over your child as well.
I would be happy to agree with you for that prayer, please feel free to leave your child’s specific need in the comment area below.
My daughter is two but she already has a very impressionable personality. I think I do as well to some extent, but I have never seen a kid internalize the mimicking behaviors of others like she does. I am praying (and would love if you would pray too) that her character grows strong and unshakable within her as she gets older… That she accepts Christ at a young age, desires Him and makes Him her Compass in life. Thanks Tracey for an inspiring post! -Rachel