An alarming trend of loss and death continues to grow, leading to speculation that social media and media in general have become the fastest growing killers in America.
The public reporting of mounting deaths has been kept under wraps for several years, but no longer can our society look the other way. We must all recognize the truth that there is a dark side of social media and media or the death toll will continue to rise.
Several first hand accounts of these deaths are now being widely reported and Americans are being asked to consider their culpability and involvement in an effort to put an end to the widespread death and destruction.
Reported Deaths:
“Our home used to be filled with conversation and laughter as we connected with each other, now we connect with our iphones, itunes and computers.” Death of family unity.
“After school snacks used to be a time of hearing about my children’s day, it is now my opportunity to post on my blog, Facebook and Twitter, while they text their peers.” Death of child/parent bonding.
“I used to play with my daughter at the park, now she plays alone while I chat on my phone.” Death of mother/daughter relationship.
“Gathering in the kitchen to share in meal preparation used to be a great way to bond with my husband and son. Now my husband uses that time to send out those last few e-mails while my son plays X-Box and I add a few more Pins.” Death of family togetherness routines.
“We used to hang out together in the evenings. We now retreat to separate rooms and personal media choices.” Death of the “family” room.
“I used to enjoy my cup of coffee and quiet time with God. Now I check Facebook first thing…and linger longer each day.” Death of relationship with God.
What do you think? Are your relationships suffering due to media choices? Or have you found a way to step away? Please share!
I wrote this post a few weeks ago and feared the blogging world was not ready to accept it and it has been tucked away…waiting for the right time to share.
This morning a friend Mona sent me this link to a post a young mom, Rachel at Hand Free Mama, shared – and I was so touched by her post and lifted up a prayer that her words would be heeded by those that read her explosive thoughts. I hope moms will push their phones aside, rather than their children.
About an hour later, while I was enjoying my walk and prayer time, God pulled up to the front of my mind the truth that families all over America are dying.
He also assured me that now was the time to report on that very truth…
Absolutely right! I refuse to be connected 24×7. My cell phone is for emergencies – not conversations while I’m driving or while a sales clerk is trying to help me. I encourage my daughter to leave her cell phone behind as much as possible.
You forgot about death of recreation, exercise, healthy eating, gardening, clean houses, and so many other things that we don;’t have time for when we’re strapped to technology.
YAY Carole! Happy to know you realize the danger…be bold and challenge others to disconnect to connect! Thanks for your comment and blessings to you!
Excellent, excellent, Tracey! Thanks for the reminder. I will be sharing this one! (p.s. The HandsFreeMama link isn’t active)
Thanks for being in agreement and challenge others! Thanks for the heads-up on the link, I fixed it! Blessings to you!
It’s so frustrating to me to be at family functions only to be ignored by family members who are too busy texting other people. I want my kids to grow up valuing face time! It’s so easy, even as the parent, to be sucked in.
You know what’s just as bad is the inability to leave work at work. I remember the days early in our marriage when my husband came home from work and his attention was all ours. Now with cell phones and email, the expectation is that he is available practically 24/7. I love summer holidays when his phone “accidentally” is misplaced or the battery dies!
Thanks for this post, as i read it I thought some teenager had been cyber-bullied and my heart sank, but my heart sank even further when i read what it was really about. it is so true, we hide behind all the technology rather than confront our real lives,our real challenges and prefer our cyber self which is not the real person…thanks for keeping it real