Alone in a crowd.
Have you been there?
I go there.
Far too often.
The bashful ten year old girl.
She is still such a part of me.
Quiet observation is so much easier.
Safely hidden.
Less messy.
Eyes lifted.
Silent whisper.
Salt and light requires bravery.
Holy boldness.
No spirit of fear.
He taught us to reach out in love.
It’s not about me.
Or my comfort.
It’s about Him.
His message.
Less of me.
More of Him.
May it be so.
I think I can raise my hand to all of those. The ministry God has put me in definitely has me out of my comfort zone. I’m really comfortable with online interaction, but am rather shy in person. I think part of it is because I’m an introvert and part of me fears rejection if I step out and try to make new friends.
But quiet observation is also a gift! Although you are in a “speaking out” time in your life, your quiet nature is still significant.