I am beyond honored to be a guest blogger over at Secret Keeper Girl the ministry of Dannah Gresh…one of my most favorite people of all time! I shared long ago why Dannah is a favorite – she made time for my daughter a few years ago when we met her at one of her events.
Isn’t it just like God to use our children to draw us into a relationship with another Godly woman. Dannah Gresh is the real deal people and if you have daughters you definitely want to learn more about her and her ministry to girls…and their moms. From preteen girls with Secret Keeper Girl and teens and young adults with Pure Freedom.
Not only am I guest blogging, Dannah is giving away fifteen, count em…fifteen copies of Be The Mom over on her blog! That is WAY cool!
Here’s a snipit of what I share today over on her blog…
Conversations abound around the virtues of motherhood, but few moms are honest enough to admit they are struggling. Sometimes a simple confession of “it’s hard for me too” is in order, followed by real, life-learned encouragement. You can do this – you can Be The Mom!
The role of mom is often described as the most important job in the world. Rightly so, since so much is at stake during our children’s early years and a mother is central in shaping character and personhood. C.S. Lewis said, “The homemaker has the ultimate career and all other careers exist to support the ultimate career!”
Can I get an “amen”!?
I hope you will go read the rest of my thoughts and enter to win a copy of Be The Mom! (The drawing happens at 6 pm today so you better hurry!)
It is hard for me at times. We have 2 3 year old twin boys and they are quite active. God helps us get through it.
I recently “liked” Be The Mom on Facebook as well as Pine Cove & would love to be entered into the drawing.
Thank you for your time,
A busy Mom