The humility right out of me. When I use social media to encourage and connect it is grand. When I use social media to juke and jive and work hard to “get noticed” and hustle to make people find me or “like” me it sucks the humility right out of me and reveals my sinfulness. The pattern of this social media world is to see and be seen, have others hashtag you, quote you, friend you, follow you, notice you, tell others about … [Read more...]
Archives for June 6, 2013
He Sees You!
Oh my gosh! I am so tired... weary... bone weary... can I lock my door and hide all day weary? Nope - I am the mom, there are things that need to get accomplished! If only I could have some help! You do have help...join me today over at Hope For The Weary Mom for a sweet list of help! … [Read more...]
What You’re Saying