As I connect with married moms I hear loud and clear your desire to have a date night with your husbands! I get it and I applaud you for knowing that dating your husband, while parenting, should be a priority. Do you, too, long for the opportunity to have a date night with your spouse? Do you feel cheated because you cannot manage to get out of the house and date night just keeps not happening? I have some very good news: You do not have to … [Read more...]
Help For The Busy Mom
I have noticed we moms have a tendency to compare our "busyness schedules" when we meet up and greet each other! Being a busy mom should not be worn as a badge of honor; it should be an indicator that we may just need to slow down. I know that of which I speak . . . because I am, at times, a busy mom. However, when the busy word slips through my lips it also triggers a "warning signal" of sorts. I admit that when my momlife is filled with … [Read more...]
Danger to Children’s Growth
The other day my husband was talking about a leadership principal that involves the term analysis paralysis, and my ears perked up. When I asked him to explain further, he said leaders have to know when to take action, “It’s all about not over thinking things, it is ok to make mistakes because you will learn from them.” So that got me to thinking . . . if multimillion-dollar business leaders know that doing something and making mistakes leads … [Read more...]
Nice – Parent Rap
Great video - ya gotta appreciate this! … [Read more...]
Mom Gut Check
“In a minute” she shot out in frustration never taking her eyes off of the iphone as she texted rapid fire. In front of her stood a little girl, I watched the little face contort as she hesitated and thoughtfully pleaded at her mother, with her heart...she then gave a little shake of her head and went back to her skipping in place, then stooped down to pick up a stick. My walking in the park propelled me forward and the scene playing out … [Read more...]
What You’re Saying