In today’s competitive society adults are sometimes overwhelmed, unfortunately so are our children. Sometimes just getting daily school work done can leave children feeling stressed out because instead of doing their best they are striving to measure up to the kid sitting in the desk next to them.
I remember when my son started the fourth grade I just knew something was up. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, but I could see that he wasn’t quite himself. Then a few grades started coming in that were not normal for him.
I went and met with the teacher and asked her if she knew what was going on with him and she said, “Oh he’s fine, he is a wonderful student.” When I inquired about his slipping grades she gave me a blank stare and replied, “His grades are fine.” I slid a few papers across the table that were marred with red ink. Her face reflected confusion and I could she that she was genuinely shocked.
To find out just what the problem was and how my husband and I worked through it with our son join me over at Family Matters blog for the rest of the story…
My fave so far: “If he has a boring teacher, he gets a boring grade” :):):):):):):)
Thanks Suzanne! I guess I can relate…and I remember the difference between a good teacher and one just going through the motions – they are harder to learn from! I’m just sayin…