For the past few years I have been choosing “one word365” or  “my one word” to focus on each year – if you didn’t know this is a running trend. My amazing friend Melanie over at Only A Breath made me (and will make you) a button if you would like to choose your “one word” as well!
I must say the interesting thing in this process has been how God will provide the word if you are prayerful… and quiet long enough to hear it. And interestingly you may think you didn’t hear him right when he provides the word. At least that has been my experience.
Last year my word was “abide” and I remember thinking, really…abide? Well, ok God I will abide and learn what you want from me in that. Oh my goodness. My year was a series of battles – not against flesh and blood, but against…well, you know the rest! (see Ephesians 6:12)
I honestly wonder how monumentally more difficult my year would have been had I not been focused on that word and actively doing what that word indicates, abiding in Christ.
God knows each of us intimately and goes before us.
This year’s word for me is yield – at first I thought…really? I was kind of hoping for a bold, get out there and “get er done” sort of word. But God brought me to the word yield.
But oh glory…when I pursued the definition I stopped in my tracks.
- to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation
- to produce or furnish
- to give up as to superior power or authority
- to relinquish
- to give as due or required
- to give a return as for labor expended; produce or bear
- to surrender to superior power
The turmoil of 2012 has caused me to battle against feelings of inadequacy because some things have not gone as anticipated, I have had moments of great doubt, moments of silence…where I struggled to abide. Moments where I wanted to run and hide under the covers from fear, yet I chose to abide. Moments of disappointment and feeling alone and unsupported, questioning my call…yet I chose to abide. Moments of comparison where I saw how I fell short…and I was redirected to abide.
And now yield.
There is a lot of meaning packed into that demure little word.
It is far more than a yellow triangle on a road.
It is a humbling, yet anticipatory word to chew on and commit to for 2013!
I will.
More of Him, less of me.
For His divine purpose.
I encourage you to pray about and think about your word for 2013 and stand back and be amazed at how God reveals Himself to you personally in a very deep and meaningful way.
Prepare to have your mind blown!
Please share your word with me in the comments section and I will pray for you!
I’ve always had 1 word for the New Year. Words like purpose and balance. This year God hit me with something totally different. Two words- “Too Much.” He’s pressed on me to let go of anything that is “too much” so that I can focus on Him! I will be praying for you and yield! Love the button!
Great word(s) to focus on this year Edie, yours too has more than one meeting, sa-weet…I just lifted up a prayer for you!
Looks like my word is ‘strive’. It came to me pretty quickly, but to be honest I’ve been holding off waiting for another – like ‘rest’ or ‘wait’. But no, ‘strive’ just won’t go away! And you need to know that I’m naturally quite a lazy person! So this year I am to ‘exert myself vigorously; contend in opposition or battle; make strenuous efforts towards a goal.’ Which led me to 1 Timothy chapter 4. The Lord has such a sense of humour. This was my year to get fit – and then I read, ‘For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come … That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, and especially of those who believe.’
So this lazy bones is gonna get up off the couch and start striving. I just need to make sure I’m striving in His strength and following His agenda, not mine.
Bring it on!
My husband told me in late December that he’d been praying about a word for our family for 2013, and the word he got was ‘freedom’. I think he told me this in the middle of one of my little meltdowns about something or other, so I gave him a face and told him I’d pray about it. So I did. I said, “God, I’m not in the mood for that word this year. 🙂 Do you have another word for me?” And He so clearly spoke to my heart, “It is for FREEDOM I have set you free.” So this year is all about freedom…which will be exciting, intimidating, hard work, shocking at times, awful, and in the end – God -glorifying and wonderful. 🙂 Love hearing about other words God has given His children!